Previous Feedback

Some feedback from our previous participants is below:

"A good experience speaking to prospective singles. I learnt new points of view."

"Good atmosphere and ambience. Very friendly organisers. Good prayer facilities and focus on ensuring all participants get a chance to pray."

"Well organised groups and tables. Useful ice breaker sessions and perfect amount of facilitation by volunteers. Overall no awkward moments and relaxed atmosphere. Also good amount of people."

"The app is a great idea and well built, organisers/volunteers were very lovely and kind, a lot of appreciated effort went into the day :)"

"The female facilitator on our table (3) was super friendly and helpful. Overall organisation of the event was great. Also the catering was really good."

"I liked that there was an app where you could look at the profiles."

"The volunteers were amazing, great refreshments, friendly vibe, good timings and length of event"
"The catering was really good and the volunteers were lovely."

"Very organised, timing was great and facilitators were easy to talk to"
"The volunteers were very friendly and approachable, they genuinely cared for us finding matches, good selection of food and drinks throughout the event, it was a great event overall"

"The facilitators and the icebreakers were very helpful for us to interact more naturally. Girls not having to go around tables was also very helpful. And the app was a really big plus. The 1-1 sessions aftewards were also quite nice."

"The overall structure of the event was great, all the facilitators and volunteers were really friendly and helpful."

"Well organised, good oversight from the event organisers - didn’t get too involved but involved enough to keep things running - good facilitators"